Friday, July 1, 2011

Keep Moving Forward

Well our day started out at 11pm last night. I tried to go to sleep early yesterday to catch up on sleep, well that didn't happen. The doctor called and told me that Luke still had not peed and his CO2 was ridiculous high and they were chasing him around with his Jet settings. I instantly didn't know what to do, I started pacing the room and finally decided to walk back over to the hospital to sit with him. I know, I know I'm not supposed to walk there at night, but last night that was the last thing on my mind. After about 30 minutes of me being there a blood gas was drawn and his CO2 went from 110 to 52.  What a little goober! That little man was already getting better. I stayed with him till 2am then rode back with the security guard. He still had not peed when I left, but his gases were already getting better. I had told the nurse to call me WHEN he peed, but when I left to go back this morning I still hadn't received a call so my hopes weren't high. However as soon as I walked in the module his nurse practitioner broke the news, HE HAD PEED! I got tears in my eyes. I wanted to kiss that little man (Luke) so much.  The doctors can not quite explain what is going on, but they know that Luke is fixing the situation without their assistance. His numbers change before they can change the treatment. They also believe the urination problem is due to a low blood pressure. Once his blood pressure reaches a certain level he pees again.  So he is back on Dopamine for the weekend then we will try again to ween him off again. The issues with his CO2 is stemming from the collapsed right lung. His numbers were high because he was not able to rid his body of the CO2. Once his lungs popped back open his numbers drastically changed. Now today his numbers started at 19, low, because he was ridding himself of too much CO2. So as of right now we are just chasing him around by changing his Jet ventilator.  So after a pretty eventful night, we had a pretty uneventful day. I let him sleep and he let me read. He stayed on 21% oxygen most of the day and his oxygen saturation never dropped below 85, which is a yay! Sorry this blog isn't more in depth, but sleep in on my mind right now. Thank you all so much for the prayers, once again they were heard and the little man is going strong.

* notice the picture is Luke sucking on his thumb...hehe*


  1. What is happening, is the continuation of a miracle :)

  2. Aww, yay! Thanks Jord for the update! Sounds like a continual roller coaster, but overall going in the right direction.
