Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blame it on the Tube

Last night was not one of Luke's finest. Apparently he "desatted" twice so low that they needed to bag him to bring him back up. Then they retaped his ET tube and they think that may have been the problem, because he didn't have that problem again. It is just another reason why I can't wait till we are done with that tube. Throughout the day there wasn't too much going on. A few "desatts" but other than that. I had a conversation with his NNP on the outlook for his future when we go home. There is a 99.9% chance he will be on oxygen and that might be for at least a year. Also if his trachea does not mature like it should due to the ET tube we might have a tach tube. That is the worst case scenario. Also since Luke is being fed by NG tube that might continue or even a G tube when we go home. This could be due to Luke's lack of using a bottle. I'm hoping we won't have this problem due to his love of sucking on his thumb. Once again the quicker that tube comes out the earlier we can practice with a bottle. I knew we were going to have it rough when we went home, but the more she covered the more it hit me that us leaving the hospital doesn't mean we are back to normal. This little man is going to get a lot of attention even when we get home. Hopefully we can handle it. I think it will change a lot for Jonathin and I, even more than just having a child. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers the past few days, they were well received.



  1. Emery came home on O2 and a tube. It was weird, but eventually it became our normal. You'll just be so happy to have him home you won't notice. He didn't take a bottle until he was almost 7 months old, and he learned to drink really well and very much liked it. He just never took in enough volume so I had the choice of an NG or a G-tube. I chose the tube. Best decision for us ever. He's still on it.

    I know a few babes who came home with trachs - I can point you in their direction, but trachs are rare and Mr. Luke is going to grow right out of this! He'll be home before you know it!

  2. Jord,
    You and Jonathan will handle each day together, one moment at a time. God will be with you ever second and you can do this :) Think of the wonderful bonding time ahead :)
