Monday, July 11, 2011

Bulking Luke Up

Like the title says today we once again went up on the amount they are feeding Luke. He is now up to 6cc's every 3 hours. The way we started I didn't think they would up things so fast, but apparently he is holding his own. We just would like to see a little movement in the bowel regions. It doesn't seem to bother the doctors, but it is in the back of our minds. Especially since that was the main reason that brought us down to Indianapolis. As long as things keep moving forward, or down in this case I will be happy. Luke did some of "desatting" still today, but once again that is a preemie thing. However we once again were able to lower his ventilator settings. Slowly (the way Luke likes it) we are going to get off the vent if that is the last thing we do. I'm so tired of all the tubes and the constant beeps from it. The sad thing it is only 4 weeks in, the beeps don't phase me anymore. I just want my little man to be able to suck his thumb like he desperately tries daily. Depending on how the tubes are positioned that day Luke is either happy or very very disappointed. On those days, his arms seem to find his ears to play with, and if you have seen the Watson ears that he could inherit, he doesn't need to help pull on them.  That was the excitement for today. It still astonishes me on how many people read the blog and know Luke's story. People that I have never met even. I can't say thank you enough for all the concerns and prayers. I know they are all doing wonders for this little guy. Tomorrow will be his 1 month birthday. I honestly can't believe that we have been on this rollercoaster for a month already. It sure seems like it has went fast, but at the same time if feels like a lifetime ago I was laying in a hospital bed. Thank you again everyone!


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