Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another Day Down

Another day in the books. We weren't able to bring down the ventilator settings today. His morning gases weren't fantastic so they left the settings along. They were going to do another gas at 2pm, but opted to wait till the morning. They did a little change, but honestly I don't really understand it so I don't even want to try and explain it. He had an really uneventful night that led into today. We did a little oral stimulation today with a tiny pacifier. He looks like he is starting to suck a little, hopefully we can keep it up when it is time for a bottle. That was about all that went on throughout the day. Tomorrow will be the start of week 7, the half way point till his original due date. It is hard for me to think that I would still have 7 more weeks with him in my belly if everything would have went like planned. However, even through all the craziness, I wouldn't change what I have for anything. Please pray for Luke to move forward towards removing the ventilator. Thanks everyone for the prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Will do, guys. God has brought Luke this far for a reason :) Keep your chins up. He is growing every day and becoming stronger. All of our prayers combined will continue to bring him forward and independent of the ventilator. You both are the greatest parents! Will add a special prayer at mass this morning.
