Thursday, June 30, 2011

All Dried Up

Well our run of good days and nights finally ended. When I first looked in on Luke this morning I figured another good night, he was laying comfortably and his numbers didn't look too bad. However, after talking to his nurse she let me in on his night. Luke has stopped urinating, his blood pressure was low, a chest x-ray showed a cloudy area, and they had stopped his feedings. After watching for urine all day, the doctors finally decided to start a IV of Dopamine to help with blood perfusion to the kidneys. Hopefully this will kick start things. They also gave him another blood transfusion to help. To help with the blood pressure, they went back to Hydracortizone every 8 hours instead of 12 hours. That started to work immediately, thumbs up. The chest x-ray showed a cloudy area in the top right lobe of the lungs. A later chest x-ray showed the whole right side cloudy. They believe it to be collapsed either still or again. They raised his Jet settings and started chest vibrations every 6 hours. This is to help open the lungs back up. One good thing, Luke was on 21% oxygen most of the day, room air. Lately he had been turned up to 50% at some times. They had to stop his feedings due to slow digestion. When I was still there, it seemed like he was chowing down. However, I guess later on his residual was quite larger, so they had to stop the feedings. All together I guess the day wasn't all together horrible, we have experienced worse. I have finally started to understand to just take one day at a time. I can get all upset, but what is that going to do for Luke. So I take the news, pull up a chair next to the incubator, and spend my day reading along side my little man. Occasionally we have some conversations and hand holding waiting till the day I can hold him again. But mostly we just look at one another. I know sooner or later the day will come where these days will seem so long ago.


  1. The NICU shuffle - two steps forward, one step back. You have a great attitude! Time moves so slow in the NICU, and then one day it will move so fast you'll wonder where the time went!

  2. I love you, Jordan. Your strength is an inspiration to us all. We are with you.
