Sunday, July 10, 2011

4 Weeks!

Well everyone, we have doubled our feedings to 4 cc's every 3 hours. I hope this sticks cause the little man needs to add some weight. He was measured today at 13 inches long and 1 pound and 11 ounces. He was this weight before, but he has lost water weight this past week. It didn't surprise me that he was an inch longer since his last measure, he looked long too me today. His vent settings were also turned down 2 notches today, and his gases were still good. Another step in the right direction. He is still doing some "desatting," but they are impressed that he can recover himself. Today he decided to be a daddy's boy. If Jonathin was holding his hand he would be fine. When he would hold mine he would "desat." My thoughts are that he was so excited to hold my hand that he couldn't breathe. Oh well his Daddy has to go back to work tomorrow so it is back to Mommy/Luke time. There is a preemie here named Lily that was born in April at 26 weeks and she is giving me hope. She has been here almost 3 months and they are preparing her to go home. I can not wait for that day to get here, even though I will be more nervous then than I am now. At least I have time now to prepare. Sorry there isn't more eventful information today, we are just in a long haul. Thanks everyone!