Friday, July 8, 2011

We Survived!

Like the the title says, we survived our first night not being in Indy. I was able to run home Thursday night and Luke was okay. He actually had a very good day and night. Over the past 2 days he has finally began pooping regularly. This is a big thing, now we can keep feeding him on his 2, 5, 8, 11 schedule. The nurse practitioner even said that if everything continues like it is now we will be able to up the food. This will help chunk him up as they say here. Also, they are slowly working the last of the blood pressure medications away. Like I said before, he does not like change. He is like his mom. However, they are taking a different approach this time. Instead of changing the dose from every 8 hours to ever 12, they are changing the dose entirely. So he is still getting the hydrocortizone every 8, but slowly the amount is lowered. Hopefully his cortisol from his glands near his kidneys will kick in to gear this time and we can stay off it entirely. Finally they are SLOWLY working down his Jet settings. Hopefully!!! they will be able to take him off the ventilator in the coming weeks. This is a very big thing to me. This means we will finally be able to Kangaroo Kare him again, or just hold him entirely. It has been over 3 weeks, and I'm so ready to hold him again. His finger is great, but the whole baby would be better. When I got back this afternoon I was surprised to see that the last of his puffiness was gone. So we are back to normal finally. A funny thing happened right when I got back. The NNP came over to tell me that he was doing "better" and was "good", but didn't want to say them loud enough for Luke to hear. Well apparently he knew what was going on. She didn't get it out of her mouth when he dropped his heart rate and O2 saturation. I'm telling you this kid is starving for attention. I hope everyone has a great Homecoming back home. Eat an elephant ear for me and grab some candy from the parade too. Oh and congrats to my dad, Uncles Jack and Tom for being named Citizens of the Year! Thanks everyone for the continued support and prayers. I really didn't know how many people were keeping track of my little man, until I stepped out of the Riley bubble...haha.

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