Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wow! 5 weeks!

Well the little man is 5 weeks old. I don't know if I feel like it went quick or if it has went slow. I honestly don't think it has hit me all the way what we are truly going through right now. I still think I will wake up in my own bed with a pregnant belly waiting for September to get here. We had a nice surprise today. Luke's PICC line was removed today. I had no idea it was coming out either. Dad just happened to go see him and came out to tell me that all of his IV things were gone. Apparently he messed all over the bandages and that helped to make the decision to take it out today. Oh well! So this means that there are no longer any IV medications going in him. His hydrocortizone and pain medications are now given by mouth with his feedings. I think I'm most happy with the idea of no more needles at this time. However, there is a chance he might get a blood transfusion tomorrow, so I'm not quite sure why the line was pulled today. Everything else has pretty much stayed the same. He was worrying some earlier in the day since he had not pooed all day, but he has already made up for that I am told. So, we are still in growing mode. Looking at him now I can't believe how much he has changed in the past 5 weeks. We might have some more issues with a closed module this week. Just due to the fact that one of the babies might come off ECMO (bypass) as early as tomorrow. I am happy for that baby, but sad it prevents me from seeing Luke. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Stay out of the heat this week. It is supposed to be 98 down here this week. Thanks everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Jord,
    Thanks for the new picture and update. One minute at a time has turned into one day at a time and will soon be one year at a time before you know it. What a cute little man!!
