Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 3 Week Birthday!

The little man had another good night. It wasn't perfect, but anymore I don't expect that. We are still fighting with the ventilator.  He can not find a happy medium. Either they have it turned up too much, or they have it turned down too much. His CO2 is still all over the place, but they know how to work that out so far. Today we were back to his O2 saturation dropping into the 70's and situations of bradycardia. Bradycardia is when his heart slows down. First his saturation would drop then the heart rate would follow.  His nurses and nurse practitioner (NNP) believe it could be due to his endotracheal tube (the tube down his throat). When they listen, they hear a wheeze. This could be due to him growing, or the position he is in. The wheeze is from air going around the tube. They could replace the tube, but they aren't planning it and I'm not really big on that. So for right now they are just using the vent to overcome the wheezing. I hope that works. They however might have to replace the tube if he grows too much and his is still on the ventilator. I hope by that time we are finally off the ventilator. He is finally loosing some of the puffiness that was leftover from this weeks problems. Just in time for his dad to see him. Jonathin doesn't care for the "marshmallow man" look. So far so good on the negative cultures. Hopefully we can finally overcome the infection that brought us here. There are still no plans to start feedings again anytime soon, which really bums me out. The more I look at him, the more I see more defined features. He is really starting to look like my little man. For being a Sunday things were pretty calm, knock on wood, the night isn't quite over yet. He is back with Melody tonight, so lets hope another one of her pep talks sets him straight. Hope everyone has a great 4th tomorrow. Hopefully we will be able to see some fireworks from the parking garage tomorrow night. Thanks everyone for helping us get through this past week, the support was amazing.


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