Monday, July 18, 2011

Slow To Get Up

Today was another one of those low days on the rollercoaster. It started last night apparently. Luke just didn't want to keep his oxygen saturation in normal range. So Kayleena, his nurse, had to keep turning up his oxygen saturation. On his good days the saturation is around 30. Last night and today it was around 55 most of the time. He would then still have times where he would bradycardia near 60 bpm and his oxygen saturation was all the way down in the 30's. It would take a long time to finally get back to normal levels and the one time it had me really nervous.  I don't know if it was the new oral medication or what but he would be so lethargic during these time. I was holding his hand during the one bad episode and he was just like a limp noodle. I almost wish the PICC line was still in since we were used to the IV pain medications. However, I know that we need to take the PICC out and get used to this new method. Also his CO2 was really high during the day. It should be near 35, however it started the day at 65 and raised all the way up to 109. Last time it was this high was during that really bad night about 2 weeks ago. However they decided it was due to the position he was in for awhile. After they moved him from his back to his stomach his CO2 dropped to 85 in an hour and then went all the way back to perfect. So after a rough day, we are looking at a pretty normal night. Hopefully I'm not jumping the gun here. Also his feedings were increased again to 19cc's every three hours. Also it is now half milk and half formula. Hopefully this doesn't slow things down in the GI tract. That pretty much sums up our day here. Thanks again for the prayers.


1 comment:

  1. I hated those days! Emery's O2 stayed at 55% pretty much all of his stay. They always wanted it less than 60% but sometimes he just didn't cooperate. His CO2s were really bad but by the time he left they were normal. I'm praying that you will continue to get to spend time with him and not be kept out due to other patients. So frustrating when you can't see your little love. He really hated it when his PICC line came out and he had to have meds by mouth, or technically I guess by NG. It seemed like it would take so long for the medicine to take effect. Hang in there!
