Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No Fireworks for Luke

Luke had a pretty normal day. When the NNP just looked at me during rounds and says, " I really don't have anything new to tell you," I wasn't expecting much. And that was okay with me. We are still watching the ventilator settings. They are now just changing a little bit as he changes. He is off Dopamine AGAIN, hopefully he will stay that way this time. His blood pressure is still okay and he is still urinating. So all around he had a pretty good holiday. Luke is still finicky, if light hits him in the face and the nurses start touching him his O2 drops some. The nurses all think he is a little stinker. Apparently preemies are not known to play well with others. So even with the fireworks outside, Luke didn't have many inside, yay! On the note of fireworks, Dad, Jonathin, and I were able to see Indy's fireworks from the top of the Riley parking garage. They were pretty neat, but the best part were all the kids. Nurses were able to bring a lot of the kids up in red wagons to see the fireworks. All around you saw lit up IV polls, it was awesome. Thanks everyone for helping up start another week down here. Hopefully we can have some smooth sailing.



  1. I love the quiet days! We spent a 4th in the hospital, too. I thought it was so sweet when all of the nurses brought the kids up to the roof to see the fireworks. I think it's neat he's communicating that way, like "Hey, leave me alone and just let me grow!" :)

  2. Amen, Sarah. So well said!!

    Hang in there, everybody!

  3. No news is good news! :) I'm glad he's doing well! I've been thinking about you guys a lot. :)
