Sunday, July 24, 2011

Working Our Way Up!

Luke is up to 10cc's of food, slowly we will be back to full feeds, probably on Monday. He has been doing really well with "desatting" lately. Nothing too low, around 70, then he brings himself back up. Things were so calm yesterday that we let Gammy babysit while we went and saw Harry Potter. It was nice to be away, but still your mind still wanders back to him. It is sad, but also is a good thing, that there isn't much to talk about. The post for Sunday will have a little more to it, we are changing his isolette! Finally he is stable enough. And tomorrow is a measuring day, so we will see how tall he is now. Praying for continued great days.


1 comment:

  1. Weird - Erik and I went to see an HP movie when Emery was in the NICU. Never really could concentrate on the movie. Ended up having to buy it on DVD.
