Saturday, July 2, 2011

Slow morning, but picking up momentum

This morning wasn't looking too promising on the urination front. When we arrived at the hospital his nurse said that his urination had slowed down to almost nothing again. I was not ready for another day of no pee, not to mention the little man was a little puffy. Also his chest x-ray wasn't looking too stellar. The doctor believed that in all of the excitement yesterday the doctors turned down his ventilator settings too much. So...his lungs once again might have collapsed a bit. She vowed to not chase him all over the place today, and instead try her hardest to level him out today. Well so far she has done a good job. His numbers haven't been all over the place AND he started to pee again. They believe that his body still thinks he is fighting the infection so his veins have become leaky. So all of the fluids are leaving his veins and arteries and going into the tissues. So they started a blood transfusion late in the day to help with the "dry" veins as they called it. Also his blood pressure lowered again over the night and the transfusion was to help with that too. We also were able to place a new PICC line, I'm grateful for that. Hopefully this cuts down on all the IV poking. So as of right now he has a PICC line in his right leg and they are placing a new peripheral IV somewhere else to finish the other half of his transfusion. So hopefully things will level out enough that he will continue to have a good night. Also I thought I would pass on that last night at work Jonathin fractured his right thumb. I told him he just couldn't let his son have all the attention. Thank you all for the support again.



  1. Oh dear Jonathin! Don't let that stop him from changing a diaper when he gets there! Hopefully there will be changing needed :)

  2. Yeah, when you have an infection, it sorts "eats" through you vessels leaving little " holes" in the vessel. So even if he looks puffy and full of fluid, the amount of volume in the vessels is still low. Its a constant battle with each sick kiddo and when their immune system chills out, it will stop doing that!! Hold on there Lady!
