Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fortified to Grow

Well knock on wood, the module stayed open all day. It was like we were back to normal, besides all of the machines we have to walk through to see Luke. The little man is up to 940 grams which is 2 pounds 1 ounce. The closer we get to 1000 grams the better. This is where they seriously start working on removing the vent. This is only a couple days away due to Luke gaining at least 20 grams a day usually. We were once again upped on his milk intake to 16cc's every three hours and now he is getting fortified calories at 24 calories. This can go up to 30 calories if he needs more and more. He is only on two medications as of now, Q-bar and Hydrocortizone. The Q-bar is an inhaled steroid that is given to him twice a day through his ventilator. It is to help with asthma like symptoms. The Hydrocortizone is still going to work on his blood pressure. The BP isn't a problem now, but they have learned that things need to be tapered off slowly so he is being taken off very slowly. This will help his body's cortisol take over. The ventilator settings have not been touched and it seems we have found his happy place. His
"desatting" is nothing like it has been in the past. Also the occasional bradycardia episodes have also diminished. Only when he is being suctioned does his heart rate drop some now. Also on a side note, Melody is back. I don't know if I'm happier or Luke. He seems to have great nights when she is watching him. Thank you everyone for the comments and the thoughts and prayers once again.


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