Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Superman!

Well the little man is a month old, and he keeps amazing me. Today we were upped again on feedings. Luke is now getting 8 cc's every 3 hours and tomorrow we are looking at 9 cc's or higher. By Thursday we should be on full feedings which is dependent on his weight. Today he weighed in at a whopping 1 pound 13 ounces. He is so close to 2 pounds. He is usually adding around 60 grams a day, so he might hit the mark by this weekend. That is if everything goes well. The only problems we have been having is his lungs still. Today he was up higher on his O's as they call it. ( The percent of oxygen they are giving him.) He stayed around 40-45%. He was also a little fussy at times, which called for some morphine. I think he is just as annoyed with the tube down his throat as I am. However, the doctors says it looks like he might have some chronic lung issues due to the ventilator. Which means he will be on the ventilator longer than I would like as they help his lungs recover. I know it really doesn't make much sense, but I figured that might be the case just because he is so small. I have been reading a giant book on preemies the past 3 weeks and that was an issue that could come up. So we just roll with the punches. Right before I left tonight an x-ray was done just to check maybe why he was needed so much oxygen. However, as soon as Luke heard an x-ray was coming he lowered his O's to the lowest all day. I'm telling you, this kid is smart. I was able to get a taste of how our relationship might go in the future. He was "desatting" and I went to hold his hand to calm him down some and the little booger pushed me away. So, I made him take my finger and I held on till he finally understood how this was all going to work. Luke also made the nurses work for their paycheck again as Jonathin put it. Donna his nurse, had been hoping for a poo all day since they upped his feedings. She got her wish around 3pm. She noticed he was squirmy and went to check on him and found he had made a mess. As my dad said, he had his first "blow out." I don't know how such a little thing can make such a mess all over himself and his bed. Let's just say it was a good thing his dad wasn't here to clean him up or the broken thumb would have been used as an excuse. That was pretty much all of the excitement for his birthday. Thank you all again for the prayers and concerns. I can't wait for the day when we can finally introduce you all to our little superman.


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