Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Short and Sweet

The title pretty much sums the day up due to the fact that I didn't get to see Luke much. His module (room with 10 babies) was closed all afternoon and is still closed. We were allowed in for 20 minutes just to see him before we came back to go to bed. They were about to do surgery on a baby at the bedside. But enough on that let's get back to Luke. He is up to 10cc's every 3 hours and they have stopped his IV feedings of TPN. So he is receiving his nutrition completely from breast milk. He was weighed this morning at 1 pound and 14 ounces, we are still gaining. They are still watching his lungs closely and are still manipulating his ventilator. Honestly that is all I really have for tonight. Hopefully I can get more information and get to see him most of the day.


1 comment:

  1. That had to be so hard for you today. I would go through withdrawal on the days I couldn't get my baby fix. I'm glad that Luke is doing so great on his feeds. He'll start growing like a weed and that vent will be a thing of the past in no time.
