Monday, July 25, 2011

6 Weeks = Moving Day

Today was a big day, Luke FINALLY was stable enough to get a new isolette. They like to give a new isolette after a few weeks, but he has been riding his roller coaster so today Lauren his RN thought was a good day to finally change it. It is kind of a production to change the isolette. They had to unhook Luke's wiring from the isolette along with all of his breathing tubes. Then I was able to pick him up and hold him against me while they moved out the dirty one and brought in the new one. All together it took around 5 minutes. The first 5 minutes I have held him in over 5 weeks. He looks so big now, but when you are holding him you realize he is still so tiny. He did wonderful though through everything. He never "desatted" and just laid there and looked up at me most of the time. Jonathin was soooo jealous. He doesn't understand why Mom always gets to do all that stuff. So, I let him have the dirty diaper when we were finished. Just so he felt included...haha! Other than his move, Luke went up to 15cc's in feedings and today was his last day of TPN. Tomorrow he will be back up to full feedings after his little hiatus.  They weighed him at 1100 grams which is very close to 2 pounds 7 ounces. We are moving right up there. He is also 14 inches long. Luke just had a great day all around. He didn't "desat" nearly like he has been doing and hopefully this is letting us work towards getting off the jet ventilator and moving towards CPAP and us being able to hold him. Thank you all again, it was a good weekend all around.



  1. SO SO SO GREAT! He looks so good and healthy. I'm so happy for you guys :)

  2. Keep up the good work, little man! Love the pictures!!
