Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Visit from Memorial

Nothing too exciting that will blow you away today. Luke is up to 19cc's and tomorrow we should be up to full feeds. He had not pooped in 2 days so they decided to give in a glycerin chip suppository. His nurse Nicole had placed it while we were gone, and we came back in Jonathin thought he should be on poop patrol. So every 5 minutes it seemed he had me checking the diaper. Then one time I noticed this little clear thing, that almost looked like a clear bead. Instantly a light went off in my head, it was the glycerin chip. Some how it made it outside the diaper and was just sitting on the leg part of the diaper. So Nicole had to once again administer the chip. About 20 minutes later Luke gave them what they were asking for and did so the rest of the day. We also had a visit from Kiam from Memorial. She was transporting another baby down that ended up right next to Luke. Kiam thought Luke looked really good and wondered why we hadn't brought him back to Memorial. At that thought Luke decided to "desatt" pretty low, I think that was his answer to her. It was nice though to see a familiar face. Also Luke might be moving up in diaper sizes soon. He is growing out of the tiny preemies and moving to real preemies. He will be tiny for the next size, but we have to start somewhere. Have a good day everyone!


1 comment:

  1. It's funny and sad when our kiddos grow out of diapers only to fit into preemie diapers! Glad Luke is having good days :) They will out number the bad soon!
