Friday, September 30, 2011

One Long Day

Let me just sum up the beginning of the week before I start on yesterday. RAIN! That is about it. Luke and I have been hanging out inside and watching all the rain. Also we have still been fighting the poop. Luke has yet to poop on his own since we got home. The only way we could poop is giving him a glycerin suppository. We can't give these often, but after 5 days we do. So we called down to Riley and they told us to give him either apple juice or prune juice. We started with apple juice, but he didn't like that and it didn't do anything for him. So on Wednesday we gave him prune juice. The only thing we accomplished was a grumbly stomach and skid marks in his diapers. So I was planning on giving him more on Thursday once we got home from Riley. So lets get to Thursday. We had another opthamology appointment at 2PM at Riley. Jonathin had to work so my mom went with me, that way someone was in the backseat with him at all times. Our day started out a little wired due to the fact I started to get a sty in one of my eyes. It had swollen so much it looked like someone had punched me. So we stopped by my Aunt Pam's work to get some drops on our way out of town. Once we were back on our way we ran into another problem. A GIANT rock hit my windshield and took out a huge chunk along with a spider crack has started. The good thing it isn't in my line of vision, but it will need to be fixed ASAP. The drive the rest of the way was uneventful. We stopped in Kokomo so we could change a diaper and feed him on the way. I don't like the feeding tube at all that we have to tape to his face, however I will miss the convenience. I mean we just dump his food in and he his fed. He doesn't even have to be awake. When we arrived at the hospital we were walking through the garage and all of a sudden Luke's heart monitor went off in a high pitched squeal. Come to find out my mom had either stepped on or ran over the cord from the monitor and ripped the cord apart. So Luke was left without a monitor for the afternoon.  My only idea was to visit the NICU and ask them what to do, but first we had to go to his appointment. Luke has to have a series of 4 drops in his eyes over 45 minutes before they can finally look at his eyes. The results weren't really any different from last week. His vessels have stopped at a ridge in his eye. They are just monitoring that his vessels from over the ridge and keep going instead of going up. So we have to go back again next week. The only good thing is we already had to be there next week for a speech therapy appointment. The bad thing is the appointment is at 9am so we might have to go down the night before. At least we might be able to visit our night nurses. So after that appointment we back to the NICU to visit and to try and figure out the cord. Luckily they knew who to get a hold of for me and after 45 minutes we were rewired and ready to go. The drive home was LONG to say the least. We ran into rain most of the way and had to stop 3 times for diaper changes and feedings. Also we stopped at Jonathin's work so he could show off his son from a distance. We also received a phone call on the way home from my Aunt Pam. Apparently Luke got an early Christmas present that will be delivered on Saturday. Luke and his "little" cousin Quin are now the proud owners of 2 miniature ponies. Luke's is the smaller of the two, and her name is B.J. and Quin's name is Emma. Riah, Quin's sister is going to take care of them till the babies are big enough. We will be sure to post pictures this weekend of the ponies. Luke is now asking for cowboy boots for Christmas...haha. Once we finally got home I let Luke just lay on my bed all spread out. He had been in the car seat most of the day and needed to stretch out. He was so content while I unpacked and picked up the house from being gone all day. A little over an hour later I went to get him ready for bed and noticed he smelled a little funny. I was ecstatic to discover the little man had finally pooped on his own. I think he felt so much better along with me. I don't know many people that make numerous phone calls about poop other than this family. It was big news, I'm sad to say I even sent a picture to Jonathin. He is more obsessed than I am with the situation. So needless to say the little man had an eventful day that ended with a big poop and a pony. Hope everyone is still above water after this week.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Sitting outside while his Daddy mowed the yard

Photo shoot at the doctors appointment


1 comment:

  1. Oh, yeah! I forgot about the poop problem lol. Preemies are notorious for diarrhea and constipation. Emery would go through phases - he would have horrible diarrhea for weeks on end and need yeast creams and his bottom would bleed, and then he'd be constipated for weeks on end. Prune juice worked for us but I know some moms who had to use miralax.

    Gotta love all that driving back and forth and then the awful rain - when the only place you can take your quarantine baby is outdoors and all it does is rain!

    Sounds like things are going well even if they're hectic and nerve-wracking. Sometimes being home is harder than being in the NICU because your safety net is gone it's all on you, and then there's the added bonus of all of the fun preemie things that pop up like eating and pooping. Vomiting is pretty normal, too. No one bothers to tell you these things lol. Anyway, I still think about you guys all of the time and you're in my prayers.
