Thursday, September 22, 2011

1st Visit Back to Riley

Well this morning we loaded little man back in our car and headed back to Riley. Today we had an appointment with the opthamology department. We are still monitoring his ROP. After sitting in the office for an hour waiting for his eyes to dilate the whole examination took 5 minutes. The doctors were happy with the way Luke's eyes are looking as of right now. They still want to monitor him next week. Then hopefully we won't have to come back for 2 weeks. The doctor is 90% sure that laser surgery won't be needed. After our appointment we were able to visit some of our nurses back at the NICU. It felt a little odd being on the other side, but it was great seeing the nurses. Hopefully we can visit sometime at night to see our other favorite nurses. That was the main thing that has happened lately. Other than Luke isn't sleeping a lot here lately. He seems to still have his days mixed up with his nights. So today we bought him an activity center. Hopefully it will help to entertain him along with keeping him awake. Sorry the blog isn't long, but let's be honest I am now the full time mom that I had originally planned to be and it is wiping me out...haha.


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