Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our New Weekends

We have started the life of parents of a "newborn" and as shut-ins. 36 hours down and so far we are okay. We are starting to get into the swing of things at night. I take most of the responsibility and Jonathin helps when I ask him too at night. It works so far, figure I better get used to it as he will go back to work Monday. Luke got his first big boy bath yesterday. He didn't seem to mind it too much. We also had to put his NG tube down for the first time at home. It didn't go too bad, just the tape is driving me crazy. I can't get it or the oxygen in the right place to make me feel comfortable. Sooner or later we will get the right approach. The dogs finally met Luke last night. They don't bother him. Zbi doesn't really notice him much and Lola and Bella just get real close and stare at him. I didn't think Bella would come even close to him, but so far she has done well. Luke doesn't seem to care about them either. They bark occasionally and it doesn't even phase him, thank you NICU. The home nurse came out yesterday to start paperwork on Luke. She was of course here during the first half of the Notre Dame game. I thought Jonathin was going to go crazy, but she was going through everything with us. They are scheduled to come out 1-2 times weekly for 6 weeks. I think they are based out of Valparaiso, know that drive. They are coming to monitor Luke's weight gain so we don't have to keep going back to pediatrician. Keep us away from the germs as much as possible. We will however be there Monday morning and I already have a lot of questions since things are different at home. Hopefully our teams will continue to win today like yesterday.


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