Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day!

Well Labor Day went with little excitement. No parades or fireworks for Luke. He is sitting quietly at 2 liters of oxygen per minutes and waiting patiently for them to try to just you regular oxygen from the wall. When this takes place we will let him get used to it again. Then they will do a sleep test on him to decide what level he will go home on and we will just leave him there all the time. We also are waiting on another ROP exam. That will take place again on Tuesday. They told us not to be surprised to a ridge to form all the way around in zone 2...however I am praying we are slowly in zone 3. Sometimes they let children go home and come back weekly for ROP exams till they are satisfied. However, our 3 hour drive won't work so we might be sitting here waiting on his eyes instead of his lungs. That would be weird because all this time we figured it would be the lungs we were waiting on. Slowly Luke is gaining weight. Not like he once was, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the restricted amount they are giving him of the 30 calorie. I find it funny he did better on 27 than 30, but I'm not a doctor. Luke has finally started to get an actual cry going here lately. It doesn't last too long, and it sure isn't too loud. I have no idea why I am partially complaining about that. I guess it is due to the idea that our house is spread out and I want to be able to hear him. Hopefully on Tuesday Jonathin and I will be able to go to a safety class which is one more thing to check off our list. I'm hoping if they see us trying to do stuff it might motivate them also to start on some going home things. I started dipping Luke's pacifier in formula while he was being fed so he gets the taste in his mouth. He sucks on the pacifier good, I'm hoping when a bottle shows up he will know what to do with it. Hope everyone had a good holiday. Hopefully we will be home for the next one.



  1. I am completely in awe when I look at his pics and videos from your dad taken right after his birth, and compare them with his current videos / pics. He has changed sooo much...he has chubby little cheeks now!!! I'm so happy things are improving and I pray that it continues that way.

  2. I couldn't agree more with Angie. I look at those first pictures and see where he is today. Wow. What a miracle God has done.

    What does zone 3 mean exactly with regard to the eye exam?

  3. Wow...this little guy has had one miracle after another. I LOVE the picture of this little man :)
    Keep moving forward.
