Friday, September 9, 2011

Dependent on ROP

Well if you haven't been on facebook you have probably missed our great news....we might go home NEXT FRIDAY!!!! This is HUGE, scary, and exciting all at the same time. I just hope Luke is ready for his Mommy and Daddy all the time. Not to mention his dogs that have been waiting patiently for him to come home. After 3 months we can finally all be under one roof everyday. During rounds Jonathin and I just wondered how things were looking for the next couple weeks. Luke doctor decided since he was doing so well at 1 liter at 100% she would try at 3/4 liter. I then asked about his feeds over an hour, I don't see the point really. He spits up like a normal baby, nothing huge. This led to both of these things taking place today. Which blew us away due to the fact they don't do things fast with him. I then asked what was the time frame we were looking at, and she started listing stuff. If the weekend goes well we will try a bottle on Monday, just to see if he can take some or just all tube feedings. Tuesday he will have his sleep study to see exactly home much oxygen he will be on when we go home. Also they will be consulting with surgery about his circumcision. Then they will do a car seat test. Any preemie or child with respiratory issues must have a car seat test for at least 90 minutes or longer depending on their drive home. So Luke will he sitting in his car seat for 3 hours on Wednesday. They will check him for "desatting" and bradys. So far we haven't "desatted" since we went to wall oxygen. We also have to stay event free for 5 days, meaning bradys. BUT all of this depends on his ROP exam on Tuesday. Either his eyes will look better, worse, or the same. This could mean laser surgery, stay till next Tuesday, or we do nothing. If we do nothing we will probably be back in a week or two for another appointment. If we do laser it is 1-2 days after and we can go. Or we just sit back for another check up next Tuesday. The ROP crew know were ready and are just waiting on his eyes. No matter what we will be back in around 2 weeks for a follow up with all the doctors. While Luke has all of these things to accomplish Jonathin and I both have things to do also. We both need to place his nasogastric tube twice. We also have to attend a class on Monday about his heart monitor and CPR. Then on Tuesday we have to attend a car safety class. Some where in there Jonathin works Wednesday and Thursday (maybe). AND before we go home we have to spend a night at the hospital in a regular room for Parent Care. On the day before discharge we leave the NICU with Luke and what we will have at home. We will then have to take care of him ourselves. We feed him all the time, change him, and give him his medications. Usually it starts around noon and goes till noonish the next day. This is where reality will finally set in. I never thought this day would come, and here it is coming at us. I'm afraid to leave my nurses, not just for their care, but also because they keep me sane. I'm just glad to have met all of this wonderful people. On a side note, this morning a new baby entered the module and it was a flashback. A 24 1/2 weeker on the jet ventilator. He is a 600 grams compared to Luke's 470. He is red and gummy just like Luke. I hope the parents have the same experience that we did here at Riley. It kinda feels bitter sweet, now they have a new little preemie to watch grow up after we leave. I know life will be crazy and we are just praying for a good week, especially Tuesday. I'm praying for good exam or one where decisions are made. Thank you everyone for the continued support for the past 90 days, and for the future.


Luke's Mr. Microphone, he likes to play with his mouth cleaner.


  1. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I knew it would move fast :) I think I was 4 days off. Hopefully look is a good boy. Sometimes baby's figure out they're going home and try to keep you on your toes, so start having chances with Luke now to be Good Boy!

    Congratulations! I hope you continue to update us on Luke's progress after he goes home.

  2. This is such wonderful news! Praying all goes well this week!
