Friday, September 16, 2011


We are home! Can I say that again...We are HOME! It is the oddest feeling. It feels like old times, then I look over and see my beautiful little boy sitting in his swing. We were discharged around 1:30PM today and it was the greatest feeling to push my little man out of the hospital in his stroller. He did so well on the drive home too. His apnea alarm started going off frequently once we left Kokomo and I thought it was due to the way he was laying, because he was breathing fine. However once we arrived home and I found that one of his probes had fallen off. Once we arrived home our little town was ready for us. My Uncle Jack had put on his store's sign and nice welcome home for Luke. Then we were welcomed with a giant sign in our front yard from my cousin and her husband. It was the best feeling to see our welcome home. Luke has seemed to take to our home very well. He likes his swing. We don't swing yet, he just lays there under the lights and mobile. Luke's oxygen tank was delivered and we are all up and running. We are pretty much unpacked, but we will have to work to get in a routine. Tomorrow we will try our first big boy bath. I know it isn't a lot of details for this huge day, hopefully we will be rolling tomorrow.
