Saturday, September 3, 2011

Daddy's Turn

Hello to all, for the fans of mom, I have sad news. She's not feeling well tonight due to the loss of IU and Notre So she was crazy enough for me to tell all of her followers what happened through the day with Mr. Lucas.
Today, was pretty exciting for Luke and probably more exciting for us, we are finally starting to learn how to take care of the little guy from a feeding point of view. Jill, Luke's nurse, is attempting to teach us about  placing the feeding tube, how to check his residual, and what to look for if the feeding tube has moved from one reason or another. Luke doesn't seem to mind mom and me doing this, which a very good sign that the little guy trusts us (scary I know).
Well enough of our excitement, Luke has been struggling to dirty his diaper from the back end, but all came loose today while mom was weighing him. We were able to weigh the big guy at 4 lbs 12 oz up 5 grams from yesterday. As mom, was about to pick Luke up, he decided to let go of a massive poop that seemed to stink up the whole module. As I started to laugh because it was mom's turn to clean him, Jordan was quickly wiping him down and changing his diaper to hopefully control the stinkfest that Luke created. In other Luke news, he has officially started to get his feeds from a feed pump, which controls the flow of his food for an hour to help his reflux.
Hopefully tomorrow the little guy will continue to keeps his O's up and oxygen concentration low....we need this low concentration so we can reduce his vapotherm to 2 liters/min.
In all, Luke would like to express his concern over the ND game, he and dad can not take much more of the backyard play.

Love to all.



  1. Well Jord, if your mom had to get pooped on one time in this world, I have no doubt she'd pick Lukes. lol. Glad the feeding is going better and the family is there with you. My continued prayers to you all.

  2. Thanks for the update dad! We're fans of you too :)
