Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy 3 Months!

Well Luke's 3 month birthday wasn't anything too exciting. He is just waiting to shine during this week. I really think he is ready to go home. Today I put in his nasogastric tube for the second time. We need to each do it twice to graduate. I didn't find it too hard. I think Luke is just so used to it, it doesn't seem to bother him. With the tube in his nose instead of his mouth he seems to like his pacifier so much better. We have had it in his mouth a lot the past two days preparing him for his bottle test tomorrow. I'm not expecting great things, but I would love it if we went home with some bottle feedings. Also tomorrow Luke will have his sleep study. They will measure his oxygen level while they experiment with 3/4, 1/2. and 1/4 liters of oxygen. I am figuring it will be the 3/4 he is on now. Then when we come back for appointments they can lower it. It is a big day tomorrow. I am trying to not get too excited. I was brought back down to earth tonight though. A baby was Lifelined in tonight and I remember them from Memorial. There baby was born in May and now they are here. It was kind of bittersweet. Here we thought life was awful 12 weeks ago and here we are going home now and these people are still here. It might seem like we are here a long time, but there are others that are here longer. PLEASE pray for a good week and good tests so we can go home. The excitement/unknown is already driving me crazy. Thank you everyone for the continued prayers.


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