Wednesday, September 14, 2011


What a time for the internet to go down around here. Sorry that I couldn't update last night. This week was supposed to be busy and so far that is true. Yesterday Luke was seen by the speech therapist and had a sleep study done. The speech therapist was there to determine if Luke was able to take a bottle. There was a chance that Luke wouldn't want the bottle or that we could botch him taking a bottle and he would fight us for a very long time. But once again Superman surprised even the speech therapist. He took his 15 mL with flying colors. Not once did his oxygen saturation or heart rate drop. His respiratory rate never went up. Not to mention he took his milk and liked it. We were given the orders that twice a day Luke could have 15 mL by bottle. Last night Melody gave him 20mL just so he wouldn't be sucking air at the end of his 15, however he decided he wanted that extra 5mL also. Today he did the same thing. He holds the bottle and sucks it dry. Tomorrow the speech therapist will be back to either up the amount or up the frequency. The way it is looking now he won't be on his NG tube for very long. Luke also had a 12 nap study done yesterday. They added extra probes to measure his vitals while they changed his oxygen saturation from 3/4, 1/2, and 1/4 liter of oxygen. This will decide how much oxygen we will go home on. As of tonight we still do not know the decision and once we do, Luke can then take his car seat study. Luke will have to sit in his car seat for 3 hours while they monitor vitals once again. Any preemie or any baby with respiratory issues have to have this study. The last part of the evening had Jonathin and I attending a monitor/oxygen class. We are now proud renters of a heart/apnea monitor and portable oxygen tank. The class wasn't too difficult it was mostly to explain how to use the monitor. Not that it is difficult, but it was an eye opener that now we are in charge of him. Not to mention if that alarm does go off it is LOUD, can't wait for the dogs to hear it. The settings are if Luke's heart rate is above 230 beats per minute, under 70 beats, and if he stops breathing for more than 20 seconds. There will only be two patches connected to him at all times. Than pretty much summed up Monday, now Tuesday was an even bigger day. The whole plan of going home depended on Luke's ROP exam. Of course today it was scheduled for even later than usual which just added to the suspense. So before they came around Jonathin and I went and took a safety class. Nothing too difficult, pretty much stuff that we have learned over the past 3 months. Jodi, Luke's nurse, came and got us once it was time for his ROP. I have never been so nervous. I couldn't stand still, but once again Luke surprised me. His eyes had started on their own to get better. They don't believe laser surgery is in his future. They still want to see him next week just to monitor, but we can go home! I could have cried. I know it sounds crazy to be that excited, but we have been here for 3 months and after awhile it gets to you as you probably have noticed. As of now my mind is racing about the future and it is hard for me to sleep. Earlier it was due to the ROP exam and now it because we actually get to go home. So Luke will have his last study Wednesday and we will get our last teaching. Then on Thursday morning we will be taken to the other side of the hospital for Parent Care. For 24 hours Jonathin and I will be left in a room to take care of Luke by ourselves. There will be a nurse, however she won't be there to do is all us. Once that is complete, we will be discharged on Friday morning and will start our drive home. I am expecting us to stop once at least to feed Luke. I never would have guessed that 93 days ago we would be finally going home, let alone before Luke's original due date. The little man has really grown up the past few weeks. We could never thank you all enough for all the prayers and support you have shown us since June 10th when all of this really began. I know God works in amazing ways and he has given us an amazing little boy. Thank you all again for everything from all of us.

Jordan, Jonathin, and Luke

Luke's first bottle


  1. Congratulations everyone! I hope these next few days go well for you all :)

  2. Wahoo! There is no sweeter sound than the word HOME!
