Thursday, September 1, 2011

Speed Bumps

I know we are in the home stretch, but these little things that keep coming up are going to drive me crazy. The "desatting" and bradys are still there, but of the three he had today he was able to pull himself right back up by himself. It is hard for me to watch when he does it. I seem to hold my breathe until it is over. The nurses know it upsets me and the worst part is I'm going to have to get over that. I need to prepared if that happens when he is with me. We were able to keep him on the formula...thank goodness. He seems to be doing okay with it. It has slowed down his digestion, but they say that is normal. Also he isn't pushing it back up his feeding tube like he was before. However, now he occasionally spits up. I know a normal baby does that, but it just feels weird to me. I seem to worry a lot all of a sudden. The big joke with Luke's nurses is that I will be the crazy parent calling them at all hours with questions, after we have been home. I told them I might call till he is 6 years old. The oxygen parameters were raised today to 93 -97 which is leaving Luke's oxygen need higher. I don't really know if I agree with the move, but they base everything on studies down here. I guess I will see how it works. I feel like we are dinging more because we are high than because we are low. I look at Luke and all that he is doing and worry if it is normal nowadays. I hope that stops, otherwise I am going to go crazy. Hopefully things go good the rest of the week so maybe Jonathin and I can get out one day and do something. Sorry I haven't posted more pictures, maybe I'll get some new ones tomorrow. Thank you for your support.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry it was a rough day for you. Those will happen. Just try to get some good rest and hopefully today will be better for you. I know it sucks when you feel like you are taking a step back, but a lot of times that just gives you more momentum going forward. You guys are doing fantastic though. I read your blog daily so know that I'm always thinking about you guys. *hugs*

