Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Word From Luke

I thought I would give my mom and dad a break for the evening. I figured for my 12th week birthday I would FINALLY speak for my self. My day started off bright and early with Mom and Dad. They stumbled in my room around 7:30 AM. I never thought I would see them that early unless I was holding my pee again. Apparently today they wanted to start learning about my medications and feedings. My nurse, Jill, had to take her time to walk them through everything. I never thought they would get done...I was hungry and they just kept waving my food in front of me and Mom had to practice shoving a tube down my throat. I tried not to gag too much for her, but I mean it is a tube going down my throat.  When they finally did get everything going it took FOREVER for my food to "get in my belly," due to the timed feeds. I'm not a big fan of the pump, and a man wants to eat no matter how small he is. Once Mom and Dad left to go back to that Ronald House they're always talking about the doctors thought they would change things up. One of them had the bright idea to change my flow in my oxygen. I was in no mood for a change. You would think after 12 weeks they would figure that out. So when they turned me down I went on strike, not breathing that is. They only thing they were left to do was turn me back up. Score: Luke 1 Doctors 0. I thought they would leave me alone after that, but NOOO we had to try it again. Stubborn these people are I'm telling you. This time they waited till my mom was back next to me. I was planning on holding my breath again till she said something about going home. Apparently if I let them turn me down I'm a step closer to going to this place they call home. They talk about home quite a bit and apparently I have dogs waiting for me. I don't know what dogs are, but they sound interesting. So instead of fighting it I went with the flow, literally. So now I'm chilling in the vapotherm at 2 liters, just waiting to be turned to regular oxygen. Hopefully this happens soon, cause the vapothem tube is really heavy and it lays in my bed with me. My Gammy and Gampy came and visited me and brought all my big friends birthday cupcakes. Apparently they are allowed to celebrate while I drink formula. My mouth was watering from those cupcakes, they looked so good. Late in the afternoon my tummy started to grumble and my poor mom was left with the situation at hand, and man was I stinky. This 30 calorie formula is doing some funny things to my tummy. I ran my Gammy and my Gampy out of the room and my Daddy didn't even try to come help. I'm just glad I wasn't in my box anymore or I would have passed out. Even my neighbors were turning green. My daddy said my pants were like Notre Dame's offense, full of crap. Those weren't his exact words, but you know where I'm going. It took my mommy a good 10 minutes to clean me up. I made into a game, every time she thought I was done...haha, I wasn't! I always seem to time it wrong though, I never get my daddy. Hopefully next time. I'm getting a little better with my dingers with my breathing. I hope they let me take one of them home. I don't know how I will sleep without it. I guess I should try and hold off on the dinging and try for a bit without it. My mommy and daddy had a big people talk with Kaylene my night nurse. They came up with this big list of all that I need to do before I can go home, and whew, it is going to be a little crazy. They is so much to do. I mean I got of the jet finally, what more do they want? Hopefully tomorrow they will just leave me alone to have a relaxing day, and maybe Daddy will be in a better mood. Apparently some leprechaun pissed on his parade...his words not mine. I just hope I get a brand new outfit. I mean I'm growing and I know Mom is holding out of me with some new bigger clothes. Hopefully Mommy lets me write a blog again, finally I can tell you about my day.


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