Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just a Few Problems

Today started off calm and a few things started to add up to send me a little nutty. First thing Luke was high on his oxygen when we got there this morning. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I feel like we worked our way down and we are taking steps backwards. Throughout the day he was worked down again, but then we had a brady. Apparently when Jonathin and I left to go have dinner Luke didn't appreciate us leaving. His heart rate dropped along with his oxygen saturation. They didn't bag him, but they did run oxygen by him to bring him up. He had been dropping occasionally during the day, but would bring it back up. When this happens it just worries me. Another thing today, we have a sore, bleeding tushy. I noticed it during his 11 o'clock change. So we had to start a protocol on his rear. Twice a day we have to clean it with a special soap. Then we powder it, barrier it with this stick, then we cover it with ointment. I think just after doing it for a couple hours it looks a lot better. The nurses think it might have to do with his extra calories in his milk and the added fortification. Which brings us today another new change. The doctors decided to take back what they did yesterday. We are back to 37 cc's every three hours, but we are now at 30 calorie additives. This way we are adding less fluid, but still getting the calories. He was able to get one feeding it with this new formula till the nurses raised the question...was the milk fortified all the way before it got to Luke? The labels are confusing. Usually the nurses fortify it at the bedside, but sometimes the formula room does it before they send it. Well at 8PM the formula room was closed. So instead of giving Luke too much they decided for the night to use the 30 calorie formula. Hopefully he does okay with the change. If he does I would like to talk about keeping him on the formula. I don't like all the changing with his tummy. Not to mention a days worth of milk is a $1000...haha! So throughout all of these things today I was a little stressed, but I was able to end my day with an hour of snuggle time with my little man. That made the day a lot better. OH! Almost forgot Luke's ROP exam. Nothing new, same old thing. We will be watch closely and are scheduled again for next Tuesday. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more calm.

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