Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weight Gain Wednesday

The big thing today was the 80 grams Luke gained since yesterday. Thanks makes him a whopping 4 pounds and 4 ounces, 1920 grams. We are getting closer and closer to that 2000 mark when Luke can come out of the box. I am a little apprehensive for the move. This crib will have him using more energy to keep warm, which is less weight gain. The crib also means there is more of a chance germs. I might just be an overprotective mother, but I would just like to play it safe. More and more Luke is getting better with his oxygen use. We can hold him now and stay in the low 40's. Just last week we had to turn him up to the 50's for him to be okay. The same kind of thing when he is laying on his back. Now Luke will stay in the upper 30's most of the time when he is sleeping. It is so nice for him to barely ever ding his alarms. Today the doctors stopped Luke's oral caffeine. He was getting a small dose daily just to help him remember to breath. Knock on wood I haven't been around for any apnea episodes so hoping that keeps up while the caffeine is gone. Hoping for another good day tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Lol, I remember when Emery came off the vent I begged them to keep the vent in the room. I call it 'NICUtutionalized.' Of course, you'd have to be a fan of Shaw Shank Redemption to even remotely know what I'm talking about there.

    I love it! The days when good news outweighs bad news :) Go Luke!
