Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Emergency Isolette Change

Luke had a pretty eventful day. He received his last of three immunizations, which went well apparently. He also had his third ROP exam. The same results as last week,  still in zone 2 with mild ROP. Then this evening got a little eventful. I was sitting with him for about an hour when he began to get a little fussy. Usually this means he has messed his pants. So I preceded to change him. Well for the second time this week he decided he wasn't quite finished yet. Last time I blocked it with my hand, this time the isolette did the blocking. Who knew a 3 pound baby could do so much damage. Then to add to it, he finished his excitement by peeing on everything. So around everything, I had to clean him up, and change his cute little outfit. I was then punished by having to hold the little bugger. A simple clean could not take place, they had to bring in a brand new isolette due to the catastrophe that took place. Luckily Luke did not hit the picture of BBF Quin, she was first to move to the new isolette. After all of this ordeal, Luke was comfortable and happy and we spent a good 2 hours just the two of us. I give huge kudos to Kaylene, Luke's nurse, tonight. It never fails, when she has Luke something happens. At least we could joke about it. It also seems a little funny how all of this is happening while Luke's Daddy is up fishing in the great wilderness. Hopefully he saves some fun for his dad when he gets back Sunday.


Check out that rear.

Kaylene after the isolette switch

Pooped after an exciting day.


  1. Well, enjoy the fact that this time you got to hold him while someone else did the bed changing... eventually it will be you cleaning up his messes! He sounds like a handful already, in the best of ways!!!

  2. What a funny excuse to get to hold him! I'm sure you'll take whatever you can get! I love that you get to dress him finally. He sure has changed a lot. He looks like a different baby from the first pictures when he was born. Unreal how good he's looking.
