Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Little Rough

Luke had a slightly rough day. It started off okay, he was able to keep his temperature and stay in the big boy crib. He also gained, not a lot, but it is better than losing weight. So hopefully that weight gain will increase up once he has become comfortable with the big boy crib. He had one not so good episode today. He dropped his heart rate low and did the same with his oxygen saturation. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with some reflex with his food. He has been pushing his food back up a little more than he used to. Either way I don't like when he does this. I know, I know it is a preemie thing. However, he looks to comfortable when he does it though. Hopefully these episodes go with his discomfort for the crib. On a side note, I think Luke is on a pooping schedule that coincides with his feeding schedule. Every three hours we change him, clean his mouth, move his oxygen probe, and take his temperature. It never fails he starts to poop at the same time. On average we go through 3 diapers a change with his bowels are moving. I swear, we move the legs and think he is done, then BAM he surprises you. I am really rethinking where the changing table is in his nursery. The worst part, he never does it for his dad, always me. I was always for warned about him peeing everywhere, but nobody told me about the other...Thanks everyone for the continued support. Tomorrow we start with a new doctor. The nice thing is she is our last doctor's wife, so we have only heard good things.


1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear he's been moved to a crib! Praying for continued growth, good health and all around improvement for Luke. Praying for you and your husband and your family as well.
