Monday, August 22, 2011


Not too much happened today. Jonathin was able to hold Luke again before he went back to work. So hopefully tomorrow I will finally get to hold him again, since it has been since Thursday. Also today Luke's chest x-ray looked a little "wet" as they call it. So for one good time they decided to give him a small dose of Lasix (diuretic) to help with that. Hopefully that will help also with the the slight "desatting" he has been doing every once and awhile. We finally had our first conversation about planning for when we go home. We are on donor breast milk as of right now and we can't go home on that. Well they were trying to decided when they should switch to formula due to the fact that the breast milk is over a thousand dollars a day. We are going to plan on going to half donor milk and half formula at week 38, so 2 more weeks. They also are going to start getting things around for me about learning how to mix his formula when we go home. They are planning to go home on 24 calorie additives, so I will have to add that to formula. This is the first thing where we actually feel like going home is going to happen in the future. Hopefully everything will work out and we can have conversations more and more like this. Luke is up 4 pounds 2 ounces. Maybe, fingers crossed, we will be in a big kid crib this weekend. They want to hit 2000 grams first and we are at 1840 as of right now. Tomorrow Luke will have another ROP eye exam, I'm praying that the vessels has moved to zone 3. That is what they are hoping for. His doctor says that is his biggest issue at this time. Hope everyone had a great Monday.


1 comment:

  1. I'm betting Luke will be home before October. Would Neocate work? It's expensive (far less than donor milk, apparently.) You can get it with a script - I ended up just buying it on eBay. It was cheaper and I bought it from a wholesaler. I think I still have his contact info. Emery went home on 30 kcal, I can't remember how to mix it now it's been so long. Anyway, Neocate is pretty easy on preemie tummies.

    Sorry I've been MIA. I'm still thinking of you and praying for you.
