Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another Lock Out

Today wasn't too exciting. Luke did a lot of laying around and honestly looked the most comfy he has in a while. We met his new doctor, Dr. Troutman. Riley is a teaching hospital and the residents switch every three weeks. So this will be our 4th doctor since we have been here. His main goal over the next 3 weeks is to grow Luke. Luke is following the growth chart, but is below the curve due to his size when he was born. They are giving him extra calories to try and bring him up to the curve and maybe even be larger than the curve. His goal is an ounce a day. As of right now we are getting around an ounce and half a day. I have a feeling 30 calorie additives will be here soon. Also his 2 month immunizations are coming up very soon. However, Dr. Troutman wants to wait just a little longer to try and get more meat on his bones for his shots. Also on Tuesday Luke has his next ROP eye exam. They will be weekly. Luke's arteries in his eyes are in zone 1 and we need to move out to zone 3. They are just watching to make sure the arteries don't cross and clump together. Dr. Troutman will feel better about his vision once he gets moving into zone 2. Once again this is all due to is small size. Hopefully soon we will really hit a growth spurt. Even with all this information, I wasn't able to see Luke much. Another sick baby came in and shut the module down for 6 hours. Hopefully this can slow down for a bit, it gets a little frustrating. Not to mention things get chaotic for Luke and it disturbs him. We really need a relaxing time as much as possible. That is when he has the least amount of oxygen concentration and his respiration rate is lower. Hopefully next time I can report on another good ROP exam and a good oxygenation day. Thanks everyone!


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