Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ta Da...Vapotherm

What a surprise today was. Like normal I went and check on Luke this morning. Everything was normal, nothing had changed other than he put on some weight. I left for a bit to visit with Angie (my friend from Logansport) and her little girl. Next thing I know, my mom is telling me the nurses wanted to show me something. Luke had been taken off of SiPap and was placed on vasotherm. I had joked maybe this could happen while Jonathin was away, but I sure thought there would be some working down on settings first. Nope! The vasotherm is a oxygen with humidity and warmth, with some slight pressure. It is even more up to Luke to breath on his own. The best part, we can see most of his face! The big head piece and hat are gone. Now Luke just has a small clear tube that runs under his eyes into his nose. This is really the first time I am seeing his whole face. I'm almost positive he has Jonathin's eyes, but everything else is mine. He is set at 4 liters a minute and has been down to 48% oxygen. They do not want to up the liters anymore, so if he has problems and struggles we might be back to SiPap or CPAP. My fingers are crossed that he will grow comfortable with this like he did the Sipap. The only thing left after this is just pure oxygen. That would be huge. I was able to talk to Jonathin tonight and his having a great time up fishing. I'm just glad he is still able to check in with me. I think he would be a little bummed if he didn't know all of this. Thank you again for all the prayers, they are working like crazy. Especially that one big prayer from the Pope, thanks to Luke's Great Aunt June...haha!


Look at that face! 


  1. What a cute little man! I'm so glad to see him improving! It must be so great to be able to see his little face daily. :)

  2. I am ecstatic for you guys. He has the most wonderful little face :)
    Miracles happen every day and I can think of no family more deserving for the the one you are receiving every day.
    Get ready, guys, Luke has turned into a little boy.
