Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rubber Ducky!

Today's big event...bath time. You wouldn't think a 3 pound baby living in a plastic box would be dirty, but stinky he is. Today was his first actual scrub down bath. We didn't actually put him in a tub, they don't do that here, but he was wiped down and scrubbed. Liz, his nurse put a waterproof linen down and we scrub the little man down. His skin is so fragile I was afraid to actually rub, but he needed it. I guess when we just open up the portholes you don't notice the smell, but when you open him all the way up...wooo! I hope we can do a big boy that more often, because we are not raising the smelling kid in the NICU.
Luke's weight went up to 3 pounds 7 ounces. They want to weight just a little longer to put clothes on him. He is still getting used to the vapotherm, and they don't want to stress him out. I was able to hold him tonight while he was fed. It isn't the same when there isn't a bottle, but that is close as we are getting as of right now. He was wide awake though throughout the feedings. It is so crazy to look at him now and back when he was born. I guess I don't see the changes like everyone else since I'm with him everyday, but wow!
Luke has also learned a new crawling. It all started with him turning his head all around, but now we are on the move. This morning when I flipped back his curtain he was all the way on the other side up again the way near the porthole. He had crawled out of his snugglie. I had to pick him up and move him back to his area and "burrito" him back in. I can only imagine what he going to be like once we are home. Him and the dogs will be into everything. Lots of safety precautions will need to be taken care of. Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Luke was pooped after his big bath

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