Monday, August 1, 2011


We were finally able to wean down the jet ventilator today. At his morning blood gas Luke's CO2 was low enough they comfortable to turn down the PIP. Now Luke is sitting at 25 instead the 26 I discussed yesterday. He had another blood gas at 2PM just to make sure he was handle the change, he passed. Now we will have another blood gas at 8AM tomorrow, fingers crossed we will get to turn it down again. Our little man has become feisty. If he isn't knocked out, he wants to move all around. I think the ET tube is finally getting to him. He likes to fidget and try and move his head more and more. I think he has outgrown the amount of pain medicine they are giving him and has grown a tolerance. That pretty much sums up the day. I thought with the pictures tonight would show you a little about Luke's area. The first picture is Jonathin standing by Luke's isolette while he is holding Luke's hand. This is the normal area we sit or stand at during the day. The second picture is of the area next to Luke's isolette. This where we put the cards, notes, and all the emails he has received. There is also our picture, just in case Luke ventures a look. The third photo is the screen that we look at when we are not looking at Luke or when the chime rings. The top number is Luke's heart rate. The second number is the oxygen saturation. This is the number that they mainly watch. They like to keep it between 91 to 96, otherwise it will ding. The third number is the breathes per minute, however since he is on the jet they don't track it due to inaccuracy. Hopefully this can give you a little bit of an idea about our surroundings. Thank you again for the continued prayers. We can sure see them working.


1 comment:

  1. I have to laugh - whenever I'd go in and hold Emery one of his primary's would turn the monitor around so I couldn't see it. She always said, "are you taking home a monitor or a baby?"

    Now, I was spoiled. We went home with a Nellcor so I got a few years of watching that darn monitor. I was mesmerized by it lol.

    I got all excited when I saw the Servo and your title was finally. I thought he was moved over to the conventional.

    That's great he's weaning on his own without steroids!
