Monday, June 20, 2011

One Week Birthday, and a helicopter ride

Yesterday was one very long day. Right after church Jonathin and I received a phone call informing us that Lucas would be receiving a blood transfusion soon due to a low hemoglobin count. This was nothing new to us, we knew that it was coming sooner or later. So we left and headed straight to the hospital. Once we arrived, his doctor came and checked in with us and informed us that his belly was looking even worse. The measurements weren't going down, and maybe even going up in size. The doctor gave us the option to send him to Riley before his belly could perforate and cause a large infection, and I jumped on the chance. Don't think that I wasn't happy with all the work Memorial had done for Luke, but I want to be safe and not sorry. Riley has the closest surgeon that could do the surgery if a perforation did happen. And to be honest our little man was not looking too good yesterday. Within 20 minutes we heard an ambulance was on the way from Indy up to pick up Luke. Originally he was supposed to fly in a plane out of the airport, but the weather in Indy wasn't allowing that to take plane. We were sitting in the hallway when the team arrived, and all we could all think of was Armageddon when the guys are walking out in their suits. There was an EMT driver, nurse practitioner and 2 nurses. They were in these IU jumpsuits and that made me feel a lot better, sad I know.  So Jonathin and sat next to Luke as they worked on moving him over to their isolet for the travels. Once they were almost ready to go, they received new plans, and a helicopter was coming from Indy to fly Luke back. They were a little worried about the vibrations while driving to due his tubes that were down his throat. The helicopter arrived a little over an hour later. The hospital allowed us to go up to the helicopter pad and watch him leave. We rode up the elevator with him, and all I could see was his tiny eyes looking at me, "Where are we going Mom?" So yesterday Luke was able to see the sunshine for the first time on his one week birthday. I will have to say the worst part of yesterday was watching the helicopter lift off with my little man, I think that was the most I have cried in the past week. Once he was on his way, Jonathin and ran by Notre Dame to light and candle, before we headed home to pack up for a long stay. Right before leaving we received a phone call that Luke had arrived and did well on the flight and was getting all comfortable in his new bed. It was like a huge weight was lifted off of me. I know that he is in the best possible place right now. We arrived in Indy around 11 PM, and shortly later arrived at the hospital after quite a trip around Indy, this is not the easiest place to find at night along with construction. Once we were able to walk into and see Luke for the first time, I felt like I could finally breathe. He looked so peaceful and his nurse was great. She walked us through everything for all the new procedures down here. She said that he looked a lot better than what they thought he was going to look like from the information they received from Memorial. The surgeon had also been into evaluate him once he was settled. The change of perforation is the biggest concern, due to air that is in his intestines. However, there isn't a surgery to do until he has already perforated, which has not happened. Once we felt comfortable and Jonathin changed his diaper, we left him for the night and headed to the hotel. I believe we all felt a lot better and got a good nights sleep after seeing him laying comfortably. As of right now we are looking at a stay of at least a month here, and maybe even might stay down here till his due date, just to stay on the safe side. It is all up to Luke right now, but no pressure on him.


  1. Thank you for the info Jord. Michael and I are praying for Luke everyday and I think about him all the time. Thinking and praying for you and Jonathin during this difficult time as well.

  2. Jord, Thanks so much for the update. I agree that little Luke is in the best hands right now...a good medical team and the palm of our Lord. Love and prayers to you. I love what you did with this blog, keep us posted on Mr. Luke.
    Love you guys!
