Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just a Little Finicky

The little man is growing some dark fuzzy hair. I don't think you can see it in this picture, but it seems every day there is a little more there. He didn't have an all too stressful day. They lowered his blood pressure medications once again and even stopped the Dopamine for a while, however, they put him back on it a couple hours later. I wish I could get a definite answer on his belly, but with preemies I have learned there is never a definite answer. They are still looking at his films from the GI. The surgeons don't see anything, but other might see something. So we still keep watching. We had our 2nd cultural come back positive for the infection. They are thinking that it is on the PICC line that is in his arm. So today they started his antibiotics in another line so it can attack that area instead of bypassing it. As of right now they are waiting for a 3rd positive culture then they might pull the line. They would then have to wait 24-48 before placing another line. This would treat him without the causing factor they believe. They would then replace the line. They can't do it too early or the infection will once again collect on the new line. He did have an episode once during the day and twice at night where his heart rate would dip and they had to bag him. Lauren his nurse thinks that this is due to a vagal response. His vent tube might rub his vagus nerve and lower the heart rate. They aren't too worried as of right now, because his oxygen saturation number are still good. Luke did have an x-ray right before we left to check placement on that tube once again. The space is so small they are just making sure he hasn't moved too much and moved the tube. The way he was moving around yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if it moved. The doctors however did not see any movement. I'll be ecstatic when that tube finally gets to come out: 1. I will be able to hold him again and 2. I will be able to hear him cry. I know that is not a parent is ready to hear, but other than a slight whine when he was born, I haven't heard a peep out of him. I know that this is far in the future, but I'm patiently waiting. Hopefully his 2 week birthday won't be as exciting as his 1 week birthday, for him and all of us. Thank you again for the love and support.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update :) I tell strangers about Luke all the time and keep praying for him. Keep up the good work of being on the upswing, Luke!
