Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unicorn Baby

Add another good day to the books. We started off today with some pretty good news, the echocardiogram results were in and the PDA was closed. Lets hope it stays that way. Also his night went well, so we could start feeding him today through his nasogastric tube. Luke is now on a schedule of 1 1/2 cc of milk every 3 hours. So every three hours he gets roughly 1/3 of a teaspoon. It might not seem like much, but for his tiny belly it fills him up. Every 3 hours they take a syringe and suck out his nasogastric (NG) tube to check for residual (leftovers). This way they can check to make sure he is digesting the food. So far so good, he has the eating habits of his dad. I was also able to give my first "bath." I really wouldn't call it that because he never leaves his "man cave." I just got to wipe him down and dry him off. I also FINALLY got to change my first diaper since Jonathin isn't around. I too was surprised with a poo, however I did not freak out and took care of business. I was happy for a second bowel movement in 2 days, then I come back in later and his nurse told me Luke had another when she changed him earlier. Let's hope this can finally settle down his stomach. I spent most of the day reading next to Luke and he was so well behaved his nurse, Dana, gave him a gold star. He did act up some times by holding his breathe some, but nothing too bad happened, at least not till the end of her shift. Since the doctors removed his PICC line yesterday they place a peripheral line in his other arm to give his fluids till another PICC line can be placed later. Late in the day when giving him his antibiotic his arm began to puff up and look like he had been pumping iron. His IV had infiltrated his arm and the fluids were filling his arm down into his chest area. It was not a great concern, they gave him something to help with absorption. Dana his nurse tried to place another line in a hand and the other arm, but was unable to do so. That left a scalp vein to try. As of right now Luke has an IV in the top of his head till they can place a new PICC line. I'm just worried he is going to pull it out, because every once and while he gets those arms just a swinging around. If he leaves it alone I know it will be okay cause I had a scalp line in when I was a newborn. I'm just worried they will pull out the little hair that he does have when they remove the tape.  Today Luke also began to suck his thumb. It seemed he was doing that in our ultrasound pictures and today was no exception. I don't know how easy it is with all the tubes in his mouth but he makes it work. It doesn't bother me now, but lets hope he kicks the habit before 5th grade. Other than that our day was pretty calm. Thank you everyone for everything you are doing, I feel so grateful.


  1. Oooo, video of thumb sucking please!!!! So excited to hear of his progress. Yay for milk and poo!

  2. Haha I have a fun fact for you. . . The stuff that they use for infiltration (our brand is called white-aze), is made from the cemical in sperm that eat through the egg layer. Yay for nurse practitioner from pharmacology class. Im sop glad to hear that you doing well, and that is mommy is a rockstar I can handle her business!!
