Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hopefully Turning a Corner

Yesterday can only be summed up with a SMILE! That is what I came out with after rounds yesterday morning. Luke had a good almost great night with Melody. Her pep talk must have worked. I guess you could call it her "Win One for the Gipper'" speech, because he turned around fast for her. His blood pressure came back and is really good, almost to the point of high. So now we are working on weening him off some of the medications they placed him on for the low bp. Also he peed a lot over the night, allowing him to get rid of some of the fluids they gave him throughout the day. Luke now does not look like the Jet Puff Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters like the day before. I was warned though that preemies do go in waves with the urine output, but you still couldn't dampen my mood. ALSO his GI study came back clear. As of right now there is no NEC or perforation. NO SURGERY! It is still that infection that we have been fighting from the beginning. It is a gram positive staph infection that was introduced to his system from his skin. They originally believed it was from the umbilicus line that was placed right after birth, however now they are leaning on the PICC line that was placed in his right arm when they removed his umbilicus. So today they are weighing out the options on taking out the PICC line. I am fine with this, if it helps the infection. However, this only allows one port to give him all of his medications, the left leg. The only good leg after the blood fiasco. By the way, that is healing. He just has a bruised leg and it will take some time for it to go away. That pretty much sums up yesterday. This little man keeps amazing me. I look at pictures from right after he was born (2nd one), he looks like a completely different child. Jonathin is already planning on Notre Dame games with him this fall. I however am looking at Preemie sized IU jerseys for basketball season. Maybe he will be their lucky charm. Thank you again for all the prayers and notes. Luke can also receive online postcards that the nursing staff can print out and we can place by his bed. I will add the link just in case. Hope this upwards trend can continue.


Online Patient Postcards

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