Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 6

Today was one of those roller coaster kind of days they warned us about. Like yesterday we were told that his tummy was his main issue at the moment. This morning while visiting Luke, his on call doctor ran through the situation with us. Luke has gas build up in his intestinal tract. Yesterday suction was set up to help pull some of the gases out of his system to help relieve the pressure. There were able to remove air, but his tummy is still full. The measurements were the same throughout the day. His doctor had warned us that there is a possibility that a trip to Indy could happen. This would be due to there not being a surgeon that could perform the bowel surgery if needed anywhere closer. So weighed heavy on our minds throughout the day. However when we went to visit tonight we were blessed with the news that he did poop. I don't think I have ever been relieved to hear about poop, and this coming from a nursing student. Now don't take this the wrong way, we are not out of the woods yet, but we are moving in the right direction. So tonight before fall asleep we will make one more call and check on him once more. Hopefully he can sleep comfortable tonight. Even thought today seemed like a low day we did have a great thing happen. When we went to check on him this morning we realized he had opened one eye. His left eye is cracked open slightly. He doesn't leave it open for to long, but it is the greatest feeling to know that maybe, just maybe, Luke can see us finally. Sorry to not have any pictures, but tomorrow I hope I can catch him with eye open.

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