Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An Up and Up Kind of Day

Lets just say I had to take notes today after rounds just to keep track of all the changes that were happening.  I'll start with he had another good night. Melody must be the preemie whisperer. She wraps him like a burrito and he is good for the night. It was a pretty eventful day with everything they decided to do. First, they stopped the once a day tummy x-rays. Apparently his belly is not worrying them as of now. Maybe from that traumatic poo that we had a couple days ago. So one less thing to disturb the munchkin for. Finally after another positive culture the doctors finally decided to remove the PICC line in his arm, yahoo! I'm just hoping that this is where we finally get our answers. They won't replace the line until the cultures come back negative or the line in his leg goes bad. Fingers crossed that the line won't go bad, and we over come the infection quickly now. Starting tomorrow Luke will be treated with inhaled steroids to try and prepare him for removal of the ventilator in the future. Which like I have said before, I can't wait for. Finally we will be able to hold him again. Yesterday he was removed from the Jet ventilator and today we had to go back on it. At least this time we made it an entire day. The reason this time was Luke's CO2, it was a little high. They thought the Jet would help remove some of it, but so far the blood gases are still a little high. This switching of the ventilators is another reason I'll be happy to be off of them completely. Also today they did an Echocardiogram on Luke's heart. They were checking the PDA again to check the size and to see if it closed up again. Either way it isn't a big deal right now, just monitoring. They are also checking his valves of his heart to see if the bacteria has clung to them, like it could have done to the PICC line. I won't know the results till tomorrow because they did it so late. If there is bacteria on the valve they will treat with antibiotics still, nothing too much. Also they turned off Luke's suction that was working on his stomach. It was originally started at Memorial to help decrease his belly bloating. Apparently his belly isn't bloated anymore. The best part is if tonight goes well, we might start feeding him again tomorrow!!! I'm ready for him to start getting some real nutrition, not just IV nutrition. Fingers and toes crossed it goes well. Then we can really start bulking the little man up. Last but not least on my list is the hydrocortisone, the last of the blood pressure medications. Starting today it has been lowered to every 12 hours from every 8 and slowly he will be removed completely. Hopefully his body will be able to comprehend for the removal of the medications. Today didn't really seem that busy, till I go over all of this again. It was also one of those days where I can really see the prayers paying off. Thank you all again.


  1. I loved the burrito reference...seems he's about THAT size too! :-)) What a miracle he is!

  2. Oh happy day! Thanks God for good days :)
