Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21st

Today we received some relieving news. I was in with Luke during the morning rounds of the doctors. They went through everything that had been going on, and I was left with the answers I was hoping for...they don't believe Luke has NEC (Necrotizing Enterocolitis). This diagnosis would mean that the intestines had become infected and then begin to die off. That is what the original thought was when we were airlifted to Riley. After the past few days of observations and x-rays the doctors have all but ruled it out at this time. They still believe that we have some stomach issues, but that is from his original umbilicus line that was placed right after birth. That is where the infection came from that is now present. So the doctors are planning on antibiotics for 7 days. They are also still prohibiting feedings other than IV nutrition. They are also going to increase that amount. A small set back today however was we were placed back on the Jet ventilator. However, I figured that was going to happen and almost wanted it to after watching him breath the past day. When they removed him from the Jet his rate increased and he was almost laboring more to breath.  They also did a chest x-ray today before returning him to the Jet just to make sure. It showed that the lungs were looking over extended due to the labored breathing, also the x-ray looked "hazy" so they were going to give him a small amount of Lasix to remove any moisture present in his lungs. Other than that, he had a pretty regular day. We also found out that when he was admitted to Riley he was measured at 12 inches long...yay for growing a half inch in a week. Hopefully we can keep that up.  Right before hearing the news about the NEC, I had read all of the outcomes that could happen with that diagnosis. I can not tell you the amount of weight lifted off of my shoulders. The prayers and thoughts from everyone are being heard, and they are helping my little man get through everything. I can not thank everyone enough. The support you have shown our family is overwhelming. I can't wait for everyone to meet this little superman.

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful news about the NEC! I know the outcomes sound scary but I can point you to a lot of preemies who are doing well after NEC. But it doesn't matter because you don't have to go through that! It takes a little bit to get those preemie guts moving. Go Luke!
