Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Beginning...

In the early morning of Friday June 10th I awoke to some chest pain, and after a couple hours with no relief I was left to call the on call doctor to check in with him. Dr. Durbin decided just to be safe I should go to Memorial Hospital just to be checked out. My mom drove me to the hospital and we met Jonathin once we got to the hospital. I was given an ultrasound that resulted in a realization that the aminotic sac did not have as much fluid as it should have at that time. I was also diagnosed with preeclampsia due to my high blood pressure that was resulting in swelling of my ankles and face. I was placed on bedrest for the next 48 hours at Memorial Hospital and was given 2 doses of steroids to help the baby's lungs develop before his birth. On the morning of June 12 I was taken in for my c-section. When Luke was born we were able to hear a slight cry and he was kicking in Dr. Meekhoff's arms. He was instantly taken to the NICU for them to assess him and prepare him for the next 3-4 months. I was able to finally see Luke once I left recovering and before returning to my room. To see him for the first time was so emotional. He was so small, and wrapped in plastic wrap as they worked to keep his body temperature steady. I was only allowed to see him for a few minutes, but thankfully Jonathin was able to visit all through the day. Along with my Dad and his video camera, I was able to watch numerous videos throughout the day. We were told the first 96 hours would be the most critical to begin with.

Throughout the next 96 hours, life was pretty much stable, THANKFULLY! The support and prayers that we have recieved is insane. I never would have thought so many people would be there for us during this time. I hope to update this every night or close to it as we move along this journey especially as we get in to a routine. Thank you again everyone!


  1. I'm so happy that you have started a blog. I've been checking your FB's daily to see any updates on what has been going on. Congratulations!!! <3


  2. Zak and I are praying for the three of you. Im glad you started this, that way, those of us that can not be there for you in person are their in spirit.


  3. Jordan and Jonathin... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this journey... if you need anything please ask... luv ya take care... Bridget

  4. I have also been checking Facebook SEVERAL times a day for your progress...and now I am happy to follow this too! :-) I cannot stress enough how connected we are to your journey {{sending love from the Kauffman house!}}
