Monday, June 20, 2011

First Full Day at Riley

After a crazy day like yesterday, today was pretty uneventful, and that is okay with me. We were able to sleep in for a while before heading to the hospital. Luke's night was pretty relaxed after his big flight. First off today Jonathin and I were able to meet Luke's doctor. He seems really nice. Since it is a teaching hospital, he was working with a nurse practitioner and 3 other doctors. They went through Luke's history along with my history during my pregnancy. Once we went through all of the information, the respiratory therapist was able to take Luke off of the Jet ventilator. He is still on a vent, but he is a step down from where he started. There is now a little more work being down on Luke's part, but he was on the lowest possible settings on the Jet so they chose to move him down. The nursing staff is also moving his position every 4 hours. This is preventing his skin to break down.  However, if Luke had a choice he would definitely be a belly sleeper. His belly problem isn't out of the woods, but we're holding steady as of right now. They are just watching it, and he gets a belly x-ray every 12 hours just to make sure. Tomorrow he will have an ultrasound on his head to check for bleeding in the brain. Usually that is done earlier, however the doctors at memorial were not as worried about it due to his labs. So please pray that goes well in the morning. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get our room at Ronald McDonald tomorrow, so I can be close to Luke each night. Hopefully tomorrow is another good day for our little man.

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