Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bottle Dance!

Can I just say...hallelujah!!!! Here I thought fighting with a bottle was the normal. Today Luke has been glorious! Luke has taken 3 bottles within minutes with no fighting down to the last drop. Thank you Dr. Brown bottles. We had one once and he wouldn't take it...not anymore. It might be too late to save his weight, but just him taking liquids without a fight lets me sigh in relief. Not to mention, he has had no Miralax the past few days and has been great. I don't know if I scared it out of him or what. I can't thank out OT enough for the changes. Don't think we're anywhere out of the woods, but life has become a little easier at the Molnar household. Also today I slaved in the kitchen for 4.5 hours making homemade fatty foods for Luke. Hopefully he takes to it as well.

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