Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 2 of Feeding Therapy

We are still here, no surprise. We are still on the same schedule as yesterday. His nurse weighed him this morning and he hadn't gained anything since the he got here at 10:30 am. Honestly did they think he was going to gain 2 pounds over night? So we continue on. Luke eats at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, and 8pm. He isn't used to eating every 3 hours and you can really tell when the time comes. They are trying to get as much fluid in him as of now. We are no longer on Neosure, his preemie formula. They have us on pure Boost for kids. So first thing in the morning, Luke is weighed. Then we give Luke a bottle. He is given 15 minutes with the bottle if he isn't taking it. If he is still drinking after 15 minutes we let him continue. With what we have left in Boost I make some rice cereal with it. I can add some fruit to it for some taste also. Today Luke ate the most at breakfast. He took 5 ounces from the bottle. Then we made rice cereal with the last 3 ounces. Luke took all of it. The medical team was very happy with that. When his 11am feeding came, physical therapy, occupational, and speech therapy were here. They did the feeding. Luke wouldn't take any from the bottle. They then worked on a spoon with him. You know he is still full when he doesn't look like a little bird. Usually at home he opens up wide, but now it looks like torture. He looks like he might vomit if I give him anymore. However, he is doing it for me. Yesterday he took the most fluid he had taken from me in one day. We will see if he gained weight tomorrow. I would hope he does some since we have almost doubled his intake today to what he is used to. If we aren't eating then we are usually sleeping. Luke is so full that all he wants to do is nap. We have a swing and a bouncer, but they only entertain him for a little bit. 

Another thing we are watching is Luke's bowel movements. They know his past, and are trying to look at all options. However, Luke might have solved it himself. This afternoon we had a good poop. They are thinking that he needs more fluids for good movements. Not to be mean, but that isn't anything new to me. Hopefully we can finally beat this thing. We haven't heard exactly when we might be going home at this point. We originally were told Thursday if all goes well. All goes well equals that Luke gains some good weight. I don't know what they constitute as a good gain. Hopefully we figure this out tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow we can do a lot of visiting at the NICU. Looking forward to it. 


Bouncing between feedings and naps

Hugging his Elmo

No more food please!

Love the no slip socks!

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