Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 4 of Feeding Therapy

We woke up Thursday to a stinky boy. My first thought....ahhh there goes some weight for the scale. Sad isn't it, I don't want him to poop before weighing in, but at home that is all we talk about. However, Luke came out swinging on his weigh in. 6.755 KG and after a trip to good my boy went up 2.7 ounces in 24 hours! It was amazing and I was so happy with him. Our goal is 1 ounce a day and he blew that out of the water. That was after his 8pm  feed came back up too. He is sooo full his little body couldn't handle it. After weighing in we went back to the routine. Still the little man is fighting the bottle some and really can't eat more than 4-6 oz every three hours of anything, but he is trying. He cringes when we put him in the highchair after working the bottle for 15 minutes. However I was able to get some other flavors or Boost instead of the dreaded vanilla. Luke had chocolate at 2pm and drained the whole bottle. Who would have guessed. We tried strawberry at 5pm and he took most of it, but nothing like the chocolate. Then at 8pm he was pushing it, but took another 4oz of chocolate.

They also wanted to start Luke on Miralax again. So he was given 2 doses yesterday and 2pm and 8 pm. Still nothing from that, but I think he knows to wait till after 7am when they weigh him. Hopefully the fluid and Miralax will regulate him and make him comfortable. Like I've said from the very beginning, this baby won't eat because of his pooping problem. I'm not crazy, but why would you eat if you are still full and stopped up??? Doesn't take a genius.

I know it seems like shoving food at Luke seems like such a simple answer to our weight problem and that I should have been doing this from the beginning and that is how SOME people would do it. However, if you are not in the situation that is surrounding Jonathin and I, you have no idea and no right to tell us what you KNOW we should be doing. We can take your thoughts with a grain of salt, however riding in our boat for the past year you would understand. I don't know how often either of us can say it, until you are a preemie/NICU parent, you won't get it. Even if you try to understand, there are things you don't see, understand, or feel about the situation. So, here is our peace, play with Luke, talk to Luke, spend time with Luke, BUT don't talk to us like you KNOW all that is going on. The amount of time spent with him won't make you know it all. Every child is different and I didn't choose this lifestyle or this new way of life. HE CHOSE US, and I couldn't be happier with the little man we get to raise. We are being tested and the ridicule that we get from others is not needed in the situation. I just HOPE that you are not put in the same situation we are and are forced with the challenges we face every day.

Thank you everyone for the continued support and prayers with Luke. Hopefully we are going home Friday. I know I could use a night in my own bed and I'm pretty sure Luke would like to see his dogs...haha.



  1. Hi Jordan :-) I'm sorry I haven't been commenting lately. I still read your blog but I'm not really on facebook anymore. I just have to plink out comments on my phone, and my overactive former micro doesn't always allow it lol, mostly because he's obsessed with Angry Birds lol.

    Anyway, welcome to the wonderful world of everyone thinking they know best and the relatively awful world of turning into an a-hole in orfer to advocate for your child, where you're at odds with all medical professionals who treat you like you don't know what you're talking about because you don't have 8 degrees and you're just an hysterical mom. Yay!

    My friend Ann at Life with Eliza Grace blog has had people literally tell her she's crazy because they've seen Eliza eat sprinkles. I had a sister-in-law once give Emery an Oreo and he mushed it up and ate some and everyone cheered and she brushed herself off and said I just needed "goood ol' Aunt Stephanie" to get him to eat. Just throwing food at the kids doesn't always work. Heck, my kid has a G-tube and that doesn't always work. He's 5 and still doesn't eat. He only eats pureed foods. Fotunately he takes enough high protein formula to get off the tube. To be honest I'm a little nervous about getting rid of it. And a team of therapists, a nutritionist, a developmental pediatrician, his school, and his pediatric psychiatrist - yes, my son has a shrink..... because he won't eat - believe he may never chew, or at the very least not for many years, and puberty may make the issue worse.

    It gets hard to muddle through which people are being helpful and which people are being judgmental. It took years before I'd even listen to any other parent's suggestions.

    You're Luke's mom, the one who is with him everyday, who nurtues him, who knows his body so you know what's best, and it's so hard because who knew that parenting was so full of judgment?

    Hugs to you. I'm so glad your little man is growing and gaining!

  2. Thanks Sarah! I'm glad it isn't just us that go through this, even though I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
